Close Your Eyes by Boy Harsher

Darkenin Heart

Close Your Eyes is a new track by Boy Harsher, part of the new compilation EP Explorations in Analog Synthesis, Volume II by Moog Music. It's the follow up to the first volume which came out in March 2021, and this time it commemorates the fact that Moog Music makes its full family of 60HP semi-modular analog synthesizers more approachable than ever before with Moog Sound Studio: Mother-32, DFAM and Subharmonicon.

The other artists included in the EP are Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, Hannah Peel. Paula Temple, Galcher Lustwerk, Ya Tseen and Tygapaw.

Moody and mesmeric as is usual for the duo's standards, Close Your Eyes also displays the dark attributes of the analog synth sound, and part of its many possibilities.

Boy Harsher

Moog Music

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