The Map by Magnus Josefsson

Darkenin Heart

Part of the group Blända, Swedish artist Magnus Josefsson will release his first solo album which includes many first rate musicians. First track The Map is a dreamlike instrumental which features Craig Gannon from The Smiths! on mellotron, Christoffer Gunrup from The Amazing on bass, and it was mastered by Slowdive's Simon Scott.

Josefsson comments: "The song flowed out of me beyond thoughts and understanding. With guitar, amplifier, pedals and a computer. It became a method to move forward. It started as a journey of discovery inside me but developed into a compass for the rest of the album."

This is the first release from the artist's new label The Mirror Factory which centres on a deserted mirror factory in his hometown of Fröseke.

Magnus Josefsson
Cover by Nathalia van de Kerst.

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