Elsewhere by Urns and Argyles

Darkenin Heart

Composed of Mark Spencer, Jason Funston, Nich Santana, and Violet Lewis, Los Angeles-based hard rock band Urns & Argyles, blend elements grunge and goth rock, presented through both fierce and gentler perspectives, while their live performances are noted for their fiery intensity.

Elsewhere, the band's new single, is a passionate and contemplative grunge rocker with a gloomy tone and a hint of psychedelia, expressing one's desire to be somewhere far away.

Urns & Argyles grew out of Mark Spencer's somber songwriting and fine ear for riffs and evocative melodies when he was still in school in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and eventually expanded into fully formed songs with the support of Jason Funston, his longstanding friend and collaborator.

Urns and Argyles
Artwork by Violet Dine

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