Slow Down, Wild One by Go With Strangers

Darkenin Heart

Go With Strangers is a alternative rock act founded by musician and producer Eugene San, presented in the form of a full band, and pulling from the artist's prior experiences, allowing him to fully engage with his every artistic instinct.

Slow Down, Wild One is the new single by Go With Strangers, a forceful shoegaze track with a dreamlike concept, given from the point of view of an otherworldly being and guiding spirit.

The artist explains the song's concept and how it was brought to life: "I remember occasionally having dreams of floating in the air, when I was younger. I never thought much about it back then. Sometime earlier this year, I had this sort of dream again; but this time when I woke, I was more aware of such an occurrence... This time, I was floating, but as my younger self. Somehow the music in the chorus kept reminding me of something wider, something more vast and immense. This made me recall the floating dream."

Finding Ikigai is the debut EP by Go With Strangers, coming out on February 11th, 2022.

Go With Strangers

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