Hero by Deadletter

Darkenin Heart

With their new offering Hero, British post punk sextet DEADLETTER present the fully fictionalized story of a guy anxious for some credit and success in life, who determines the best way to go about this is by provoking a catastrophe. This storyline is inspired by incidents in which firemen in the US started fires only to respond to the calls themselves, in a rush of faked heroism.

Lead singer Zac Lawrence comments on the track: “The fictional story of Hero raises the question of how far a human would go to prove their worth in a world crammed with difficult expectations and ever mounting pressure. It's an extreme example, but we hope there's a level of relatability.”

Hero was produced and mixed by Ben Lewis and Josh Ludlow (Make a Dance), and it's the B-side of the previous single Pop Culture Connoisseur.


Nice Swan Records

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