Darkenin Heart

DEAFDEAFDEAF began in the summer of 2019 in Leigh, on the fringes of Manchester, influenced by hardcore punk and noise rock bands. Following a few line-up adjustments, they have come up with a series of singles, with the newest being One By One.

Lead singer Nathan Hill comments: “Thematically, it deals with the frustration and emotions of unhealthy habits or situations that you know are bad for you, but you continue regardless.

“The song is very reflective of our lives over the past few years as we have grown into adulthood – personal toxic relationships, vices and addictions, professional bad habits – but we hope people can connect with the song’s themes and find their own personal meaning for it, maybe even find some catharsis in its lyrics.”

One By One was recorded with Matt Peel (Eagulls, Pulled Apart By Horses, Menace Beach) and Alex Greaves (Working Men’s Club, bdrmm, Heavy Lungs) at The Nave in Leeds.


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