Snakey by Wombo

Darkenin Heart

Wombo, the Louisville, Kentucky-based alternative rock trio, have released their third single, Snakey, from their upcoming album, Fairy Rust, which will be released on July 29th, 2022 via Fire Talk Records.

Throughout the album, there are several references to earth and water. In Snakey, the album's opening song, the band examines the effect of the elements and the power of human nature to make its mark in the long run.

Wombo comment on Snakey: "About paranoia and delusion. Someone thinking everyone can see them losing their mind, when really everything is deceptively calm on the outside."

Fairy Rust has been in the works for the past two years. The album is immersed in its own world of escapism, influenced by fairytales such as those of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson, combining bizarre and everyday settings.

Band photo by Fallon Frierson

Fire Talk

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