Lonely Town by Shady Baby

Darkenin Heart

Shady Baby, a Brighton-based band, have released their loud and energetic new single Lonely Town. It is the band's sophomore single, and a fine successor to their strong start.

With classic rock riffs and approachable melodic hooks, the song combines influences from the US indie rock front of the nineties and bands like Janes Addiction, Foo Fighters, and Weezer. The track features the strong production of Theo Verney (English Teacher, FEET, FUR, Egyptian Blue, TRAAMS, and others), who has been working closely with Shady Baby's Sam Leaver on the band's early material.

Sam Leaver comments on the new single's theme: “Lonely Town is about the creeping sense that you’re becoming detached from yourself and the people around you, whilst trying to keep a lid on it and act normal.“

Lonely Town follows the recent Come To Life, and is available on 7-inch single through the UK label Nice Swan Records which has become a tastemaker and starting point for many great fresh bands such as Sports Team, Pip Blom, FEET, Courting and English Teacher.

Shady Baby

Nice Swan Records

Band photo by Julia Nala

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