Panic Calls by Low Hummer

Darkenin Heart

Consistent with their tongue in cheek approach to lyric and composition, Hull six-piece Low Hummer release another hypnotic post punk single. Panic Calls was produced by Matt Peel (W.H. Lung, Eagulls) and it's out on September 30th, 2022 via Dance To The Radio.

Panic Calls effectively conveys the band's air of elegance while also sounding agitated, reflecting their frenzied brand of post punk. The track, which is exploding with strong guitars and odd synths, alludes to the pointlessness of mental health support by emulating generic, automated crisis line answer machines.

“There was a sort of conversation floating in the air that inspired the lyrics of Panic Calls. Dan and I wrote as though we were trying to ring crisis lines; the discourse of the song shifts between us trying to explain our feelings, then always being met with generic, automated responses. The intention was to sort of mirror the futility of mental health support, and, hopefully, show how relatable that issue is.”

Low Hummer

Dance To The Radio

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