String of Fate by Midnight Psychic

Darkenin Heart

Connecticut-based band Midnight Psychic, composed of Jayson Munro (guitar/vocals) and George Moore (bass), formed in 2022, and play a moody mixture of post punk and gothic rock. String of Fate is the duo's first release, and it accurately represents their creative goal.

"Goth rock inspired by abandoned shopping malls, clown paintings, and window blinds," they say of their music.

Midnight Psychic explain the inspiration behind the song and its existential concept: "This song began with a haunting bass line. As we started playing around with it, the idea came into our heads that this song should be a modern play on the mythology of the Fates–those ancient deities who dispense and cut the thread that defines the span of each human life. What eventually took shape was a track that grapples with the complete randomness with which death strikes and the overall precarity of life."

Midnight Psychic

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