Clean by Laveda

Darkenin Heart

From Laveda's long anticipated second album, A Place You Grew Up In, which will be released on April 14th, 2023 by the VT/NY-based label PaperCup Music, comes the new single Clean.

The two piece's new track release explores the darker side of dreampop, as sinister melodies stick in the background, delivering a song that is both moody and enticing.

Laveda are identifying and developing their capacity to craft riveting shoegaze sounds and views that are simultaneously heartbreakingly personal and broadly relevant, by combining softly strumming guitars with gentle vocals and melancholic instrumental passages.

Vocalist Ali Genevich comments on the new song: “I think for the first time I truly realised that growing up was an inevitable fate. It’s such a strange thing, knowing you’re only to grow further and further from innocence as life goes on. I never wanted to think about getting older as a kid, I wanted to stay eight years old forever. I think there’s a part of that feeling that will always stay with me.”


Papercup Music

Cover art by Sarah Sampson
Band photo by Andrew Hallenberg
Video directed by David Martucello, Ali Genevich, & Jacob Brooks

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