OHM by Martin Kohlstedt

Darkenin Heart

One of the most well-known German electronic music composers, producers, and pianists, Martin Kohlstedt, presents unique electronica production mixed with analogue and acoustic perspectives that generally range from modern jazz piano and ambient to film music, and the result can be mesmerizing.

Martin Kohlstedt's single OHM from his upcoming album FELD captures the sonic immensity that such title says. The continuous digging, a burst of possibility, and unrestrained movement are celebrated at the heart of Kohlstedt's work in OHM.

Although it carries an intense post apocalyptic atmosphere, the track manages to not spiral into disorder. Instead it feels therapeutic, and makes room for discovery to arise, and ends in serenity.

Martin Kohlstedt

Kick The Flame

Video directed by Philip Zeller

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