Beyond The Light by Lunacy

Darkenin Heart

Lunacy, a project often characterized by its lo-fi, noise, and ambient qualities, delves into various aspects of shoegaze, minimal synth, and post punk to create a distinct and recognizable sound. The recently released track, Beyond The Light, is the latest addition to Lunacy's upcoming EP, Universal Pressure, which is scheduled for release through Dedstrange.

On Beyond The Light, Lunacy's vocal delivery comes in a voice that resonates from beyond. The imposing vocal is accompanied by guitars that crumble and decay, resulting in an unsettling atmosphere that evokes destruction and mystery.

Lunacy touches on themes of isolation, anxiety, and alienation, delivered in an introspective style, with raw energy, and presenting an ability to push the boundaries of genre.



Artist photo by Brian Bruno
Cover photo by Emily Strong

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