Oh, Javelin! by DROUGHT

Darkenin Heart

In response to a tumultuous world, Drought emerged in 2022 like a safe place of relief. Coming from Oakland, the group of experienced musicians, some of whom hadn't played music in a very long time, converged to create something heartfelt, and deliver a post hardcore sound infused with a melancholic flair.

With echoes of Touché Amoré, Pianos Become The Teeth and Caravels, the band shines on their new single, Oh, Javelin!, part of their latest EP.

Oh, Javelin! is a poignant track that exudes a sense of wistfulness and showcases heartfelt performances. It delves deep into the complexities of the human experience, and remains honest and genuine from start to finish, clicking on an emotional level.

Cover art by Derek Yara & Lisa Ferkel

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