Supercilious by Blue Statue

Darkenin Heart

The London-based group Blue Statue have revealed their new single Supercilious, which will be featured on their debut album NO / ON. The new song sounds bold and rebellious spirit, and offers a taste of the different aspects that can be expected from the album.

The lyrics of Supercilious are crafted in a way that allows for multiple interpretations, "but loosely this song is about having beliefs that are built on ignorance and being unable to divorce from your ideologies,” as the band mentions.

Blue Statue is lead by two brothers, Aaron and Hayd Brown, who serve as the primary songwriters and lead vocalists. The group focuses on existential themes, mental health challenges, and related topics. With a sound which fluctuated between accessibility and anger, the band shows a desire to venture into unexplored subjects.

The album is scheduled for release on July 28th, 2023, through Fourth Dimension Records.

Blue Statue

Fourth Dimension Records

Video filmed by Lydia Milkereit

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