Blue Days by Bathe Alone

Darkenin Heart

Atlanta's Bathe Alone releases the double EP, Fall With The Lights Down, featuring the focal track, Blue Days. The artist behind the Bathe Alone moniker is Bailey Crone, a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter who collaborates closely with producer Damon Moon.

The double EP, comprises two parts: Louise and Velma. Each part is dedicated to one of Crone's great-grandmothers, whom she never had the chance to meet but are depicted on the cover of their respective EPs.

Blue Days showcases Crone's poignant songwriting and explores a more open and graspable sound that manages to be both gripping and immersive.

Although the imagery of the project evidently revolves around Crone's great-grandmothers, it also expands into various aspects of loss, and is easily relatable.

Bathe Alone

Nettwerk Music Group


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