Supertrans/Takeaway by Teenage Halloween

Darkenin Heart

Teenage Halloween make a powerful comeback with a double a-side release. Supertrans/Takeaway is out on August 2nd, 2023 and coincides with the exciting announcement of their new album, Till You Return. The full length is scheduled for release on October 20th, 2023 via Don Giovanni.

The non-binary guitarist and songwriter, Luk Henderiks, delivers a compelling vocal performance that exudes a sense of immediacy, focusing on themes of gender identity and perception.

The music video for Supertrans/Takeaway is a gripping night terror experience directed by the band's friend and fellow artist, Jordan Serrano of CALICUZNS. The visuals vividly bring to life Luk's inner struggles and anxieties, personified by their bandmates in demonic form, as referenced in the lyrics of the singles.

The songs are filled with an electrifying energy and complement each other, creating a cohesive listen. The exciting two-song release intensifies the anticipation for upcoming album by Teenage Halloween.

Teenage Halloween

Don Giovanni Records

Band photo by Jenna Murphy
Video directed by Jordan Serrano

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