Degree Decree by Hit Bargain

Darkenin Heart

L.A.'s Hit Bargain, a group comprised of both current and former members from well known bands such as The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Cold Beat, and Beach Fossils, united to produce a confrontational style of punk music that vividly brings out societal issues.

Their up and coming recent album, A DOG A DEER A SEAL, takes inspiration for its name from the Chinese three-penis wine recipe, symbolizing a mythical entity that represents the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the U.S. government.

In their new track Degree Decree from the coming album, the band moves forward in a frenzied climate dystopia with an entirely unconventional creative mind. This song serves as a poignant reflection of their freethinking spirit, and the accompanying video offers a glimpse into their sardonic humor, underlying intentions, and overall intellectual depth.

Hit Bargain

Get Better Records

Band photography by MALLEN
Video directed by Katharine Antoun

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