Evacuation by The Vacant Lots

Darkenin Heart

Brooklyn-based duo The Vacant Lots have released their new single Evacuation, marking the third track to be unveiled from their upcoming album Interiors, scheduled for release on October 13th, 2023 via Fuzz Club. Interiors was recorded in the band's home studios located in Brooklyn, where they went even further into their signature style of minimalist aesthetics.

The Vacant Lots’ Jared Artaud comments: “Evacuation is about internal conflicts and the duality of love and loss within a relationship. Looking inward and carving out the pain was a mantra for the whole album. You get this moment in time and space to translate complex feelings into the work. It cuts both ways. You’re creating something out of necessity that can also be shared with other people to inspire them or make them feel less alone. That’s what I’m after.”

The band's Brian MacFadyen adds: “This track immediately resonated with both of us early on in the ‘trading demos’ phase of writing the record because of its primitive and raucous aesthetic. It taps into the original DNA of the band.”

The Vacant Lots

Fuzz Club

Cover design by Ivan Liechti
Band photo by Chris Hogge

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