Octavian by Osnova

Darkenin Heart

Osnova are a new shoegaze band from Los Angeles, which has emerged with their new single, Octavian, released through Dune Altar. The band is composed of its founding member, guitarist Jean-Claude Vorgeack - a former music journalist and radio DJ, together with drummer Sam Ribeyro and vocalist Caroline McLaughlin, and their sound leans on the familiar and warm side of shoegaze.

The band comments on the song's concept: "Octavian comes from the perspective of a person who has reached their breaking point,. They’ve made the decision to betray someone that they believe has betrayed them. In making this decision, they’ve also convinced themselves that it’s for the greater good, whether that’s true or not."

The new song is infused with the enveloping characteristics regularly found in shoegaze and dreampop, presenting a luxurious and skillfully crafted sound.



Cover artwork by Divine Perception
Video shot & cut by Jean-Claude Vorgeack

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