Visitors by Cuffed

Darkenin Heart

CUFFED is a project conceived by musician Tyler "Fournames" Fortney. CUFFED offers a journey into a world that defies artistic conformity while paying homage to the sonic influences of the artist's formative years. A native of Los Angeles, Fortney utilizes inspiration from iconic bands such as Depeche Mode, Killing Joke, and Sisters of Mercy to create a brand new sound.

Visitor, the third installment in CUFFED's storyline, follows the first two singles Possessed and Deceiver. Together, the three tracks create an engaging whole which immerse into the nocturnal aura of LA, mesmerized by the city's enigmatic and restless underbelly.

With a blend of haunting melodies and a sound that goes beyond genre boundaries, CUFFED's Visitor captures the essence of a city shrouded in mystery, offering an overall absorbing experience.



Video directed by Dakota Bennett and Tyler Fortney

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