Kids Online by L.A. Sagne

Darkenin Heart

Upcoming band L.A. Sagne channels the rebellious spirit of punk and garage rock in their latest single, Kids Online, released under the indie label Geertruida. With a raw and energetic approach, the track examines the compelling theme of coming of age in a contemporary world.

Unapologetically infused with punk rock zest, L.A. Sagne pays homage to the genre's past while injecting a fresh burst of adrenaline.

The band's statement on the song explains: "Kids Online is about growing up in a modern world where you feel lost and confused among a crowd of people that seem to have it all figured out. Like wearing dress shoes that are still too big for you. Standing there, pretending to know how you are supposed to act. The song follows us in our everyday chaos, vomiting out the bullshit we have been ingesting. Guts on the floor, every snare hit."

L.A. Sagne


Artwork by FloortjeNyma

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