New Career by Hoorsees

Darkenin Heart

French shoegaze / dreampop group Hoorsees has unveiled their latest album, Big, with the focus track being the new single, New Career. Released on January 12th, 2024, through Howlin’ Banana and Kanine Records, the album represents a departure in style for the band. Unlike their previous works, which reflected American indie rock influences, Big embraces more of their French heritage and delves into the synthpop aspect of their musical identity. Despite this shift, Hoorsees maintains their trademark surreal lyrics, this time tending to explore social themes.

In New Career, the band makes their enthusiasm for the evolved sound evident, presenting a refreshing and vibrant composition. The song strikes a pleasing balance between its synth elements and indie rock foundation, and the band conveys a sense of defeatism regarding future possibilities, signaling a deviation from their previous works with an ambitious new album.


Howlin Banana Records
Kanine Records

Band photography by Guillaume

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