Offering more of their genial and alluring take on dreampop and shoegaze, Tetsu the Phoenix return with their third single, You Die, I Die. The track maintains the atmospheric essence established in their previous releases, focusing on the theme of friendship.
"An ode to friendship, especially those formed in the crucible of mutual hardship," they describe. "This song is for and about a triad friendship and a deal made - if one of us leaves a shared situation of difficulty, we all leave; nobody gets left behind alone. YDID is an examination, too, of how we relate to each others' relationships: how do we care for and show up for each other when partners, spouses, or friends don't do right by people we love?"
With tender vocals, earnest lyrics, and gripping shoegaze melodies, Tetsu the Phoenix delivers a narrative of compassion in their latest release, emanating a sense of sentimentality throughout.
Tetsu the Phoenix
Strange Library Records