Mr. Sunshine by Tetsu the Phoenix

Darkenin Heart

The new album by up-and-coming shoegazers Tetsu the Phoenix, See You Around, features the focus track Mr. Sunshine and is available through Strange Library Records. The song seems to be an examination of feelings of compassion and communication, as well as the realization that listening in a relationship can be challenging.

The band shares: "Mr. Sunshine came out of a therapy appointment. I'm Mr. Sunshine. I had gotten my outlook checked by a masterful guide - "How's that working for you?" He asked, after I explained my righteously indignant response to a recent interpersonal challenge. Maybe I'm the constant in these equations, and maybe I'm why they keep being so difficult? As I began to unwind my automatic behaviors, I saw patterns in myself that I wanted to call out, to hold myself accountable in a place where I could not hide. I wrote Mr. Sunshine, a tongue-in-cheek name I gave my new self, the self who was a better listener, less ready to inject himself into someone else's problems, someone who empathized first, rather than reflecting someone else's hardship off himself."

The band returns to their signature shoegaze and dreampop styles and sound, imbued with elements from slightly more divergent and heavier sounding genres.

Tetsu the Phoenix

Strange Library Records


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