White Sands by The Shallows
May 15, 2024
The Shallows, a dreampop band based in Boston, emerged from the remnants of the Britpop/post punk group Strangeways. The band consists of Brad Emerson, Jason Keisch, Ben Didsbury, and Jess Baggia, and they are currently creating immersive and memorable new music. Their sound is rich and layered, drawing from a variety of influences, including classic shoegaze and alternative rock.
Their latest song, White Sands, is a highly melodic track that is both crushing and haunting. It combines vivid, apocalyptic imagery with themes of vulnerability and the push towards safety, painting a poignant picture of human instability and the effect of massive devastation.
Featuring soft vocals and melodic shoegaze guitars, the song is a vibrant and polished example of the genre and flows seamlessly from start to finish.
The Shallows
Video directed by Lorin Granger