Springtime by Webb Chapel

Darkenin Heart

Webb Chapel have just released their new single Springtime, marking the first track from their upcoming album, World Cup, set to arrive on September 6th, 2024, via Strange Mono Records. Established in 2021, Strange Mono is a charity record label and distribution company based in Philadelphia, PA, known for its unique limited edition releases.

Primary songwriter Zack Claxton has taken a unique approach with Webb Chapel, opting to binge-write in isolation. Transformed into a full band, Webb Chapel entered the studio for the first time, and World Cup was recorded and mixed in six days with engineer Dan Angel, influenced by changes in both the environment and the band’s lineup.

On the song, the band's Rachel Gordon comments: “I was super stoked that Zack wanted me to sing and gave me creative liberty with that song. It honestly helped me feel like I had more of an identity in the band. Webb chapel is how I started learning bass but before that I've always either been a songwriter or vocalist/lyricist in other projects so that's the zone I feel most confident in. When Zack sent over his home recorded demo, it was already called Springtime so that automatically put some kind of vague life/death/rebirth theme in my head. Magically at that time I was volunteering at the Woodlands cemetery as a grave gardener, which basically just entailed being assigned a cradle grave (not a grave for babies - its an older type of grave that has a garden in front of it, bordered in such a way that it resembles a cradle). The grave I was assigned was for this lady Mary Brown. Aside from that being such a common name I couldn't find any information about her anywhere, beyond the “wife of Arthur Brown” engraving on her headstone. So the lyrics are basically me trying to imagine this lady as a whole person with multiple roles in her life, while trying to tend to her garden and hoping she's happy with it.”

Webb Chapel

Strange Mono


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