The Executioner by Nicole Marxen

Darkenin Heart

Nicole Marxen releases another dreamy and moody new single, The Executioner, part of the artist's upcoming album Thorns.

On the track, Nicole Marxen comments: “I wrote The Executioner from a place where I thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, but then they did. My day job's main client at the time was The Richards Group. Nobody knew what was going to happen. We had no control over the situation, and yet were directly impacted. I kept moving through swells of rage and devastation, I felt utterly powerless.”

The Executioner observes the decline of Marxen’s career in commercial production following the cancellation of The Richards Group, the largest advertising agency in Dallas. This situation illustrates how, when powerful men make mistakes, the patriarchy does not necessarily lose its grip but may instead transform to maintain its influence in the present.

“It was important for me to show up to this material imperfectly,” Marxen says. “As a songwriter, I can put a lot of pressure on myself, often feeling like I have to say something profound or reach a kind of resolve. I didn’t want to pretend to have answers here, but rather notice what was coming up for me during each song’s moment in time.”

Thorns will be out August 9th, 2024.

Nicole Marxen
Cover photography by Daven Martinez

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