Cosmic Joke by Wolfschmidt

Darkenin Heart

Wolfschmidt from Gothenburg continue to refine their sound, drawing inspiration from contemporary shoegaze and bands like DIIV, Ovlov, Nothing, and Newdad, while incorporating elements of grunge and post rock. Their latest single, Cosmic Joke, is an expansive track that pushes the band further into melodic territory.

This song also serves as the title track for Wolfschmidt’s debut EP, set to release on September 6th, 2024.

The band describes: "Cosmic Joke deals with the seemingly overwhelming insignificance of human actions when contemplating the vastness of existence, and the rejection of reality itself as a means of coping with the impossible task of making rational sense of it."

Exploring post rock more than ever, Wolfschmidt presents an alluring track that highlights their evolving musicianship, while focusing on a profound theme which invites reflection and introspection.


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