Beach Baby by Talking Violet

Darkenin Heart

Windsor-based dreampop / shoegaze band Talking Violet have released their anticipated sophomore album, Everything At Once, blending shoegaze, grunge, and alternative rock components into their sound. Produced by Justin Meli and mastered by Heba Kadry, the album presents the band's most introspective and immersive work yet, with themes reflecting on "changes in friendship, loss and the pursuit to create space."

Having stood out for their rich and atmospheric sound, and their emotional lyrics, Talking Violet continue their path with a well made album, and singles such as Beach Baby epitomizing their kind of dreampop.

Beach Baby delivers an ethereal sound through its instrumental sharpness, blending lush production, sweet vocals, and an overall beautifully immersive atmosphere.

Talking Violet
Video directed by Lourdes Lasala

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