do you miss her by Colatura

Darkenin Heart

With their latest track, Do You Miss Her, Colatura showcases a different side of their songwriting, offering a moodier and more ethereal complement to Suffer Dude, their single from July 2024. Both tracks were produced by Aron Kobayashi Ritch of Momma.

Do You Miss Her explores the lingering reservation that taints a relationship born from disloyalty, with lyrics that feel deeply personal and heartfelt. Musically, it is based on a hazy guitar foundation, and exudes a melancholy that perfectly grabs the essence of dreampop.

The band comments: “Do You Miss Her is about a relationship that started while my partner was still dating someone else, and all the insecurity, fear, guilt, and mistrust that resulted and ultimately doomed the relationship. I ended up being so afraid that they would either go back to her and/or be unfaithful to me with someone new, that I could never trust and it ended up poisoning the relationship regardless.”


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