Forgive Me by Glazyhaze

Darkenin Heart

Forgive Me is the mesmerizing new single from Italian shoegaze band Glazyhaze, taken from their anticipated second album Sonic, set for release on March 21st, 2025. This atmospheric and introspective track delves deep into the bittersweet emotions of love and heartbreak.

With immersive guitar lines, ethereal vocals, and a powerful backdrop, Forgive Me creates a vibrant portrait of emotional vulnerability. The band expertly creates a deeply emotional shoegaze ballad that resonates with sincerity and rawness. Their refined performance amplifies the sentiment, while the overall sound is both intricately structured and fascinating.

Glazyhaze's forthcoming album, which was recorded and mixed by Paolo Canaglia and mastered by Maurizio Baggio.

Band photography by Cristiano Donadel
Video directed by Glazyhaze

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