You (The Feral Human Thunderstorm) by The Underground Youth

Darkenin Heart

Berlin-based post punk band The Underground Youth, fronted by Blackpool-born musician and author Craig Dyer, have announced their twelfth studio album, Décollage, set for release on April 4th, 20025 via Fuzz Club. The latest single is "You (The Feral Human Thunderstorm)".

On the song, Dyer says: “'You (The Feral Human Thunderstorm)' kicks open the doors of the new record. As the opening track it encompasses the mood of the whole album, walls of crackling hip-hop drums, layers of strings and background noise, repeating and building, old tape chewing its way around the reel. Lyrically it’s something of a romantic country ballad, but dragged through an entirely different and new sound for The Underground Youth.”

“Décollage is the art of creating an image by ripping, tearing away or removing pieces of an original existing work. My idea was to apply this technique to music”, Dyer explains. “I built walls of static coated hip-hop drum samples, layers of Lee Hazlewood style string arrangements and Serge Gainsbourg inspired mellotron melodies, then I began tearing away at these beautiful, chaotic walls of noise.”

Dyer says calls the result “a trip-hop infused soundtrack to a collection of lyrics dealing with adoration, ancestry, originality, hallucinations of revolution and a hope that something better can be born from the ashes of the horror that exists in our world.”

The Underground Youth

Fuzz Club

Video directed by Olya Dyer

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