Hull and Leeds-based shoegazers bdrmm reemerge with their first new single following the release of their widely acclaimed debut album Bedroom which came out in 2020. New track Port displays the group's dark side which supplements their distorted shoegaze, and it was inspired from the Canadian band Suuns and Portishead’s track Machine Gun.
The song's title derives partly from Portishead and means ‘any port in a storm’, when someone will use anything in order to find comfort in a bad situation.
Singer and guitarist Ryan Smith explains: "I think a lot of the music going forward will be a lot, not darker, but coming from a much deeper place than the first album.
"‘Port’ was written at the height of addiction. It comes from a place where you know you need to change but feel that you can’t. I wish I could come up with some profound meaning for what this track means, or what it is, but I’d just be lying. I was in a difficult place, and this was the end result.
"I think we’re looking to be delving more into soundscapes. I am so excited to embrace the next chapter of bdrmm. It’s been a fucking tough ride, but one I never want to get off."
Sonic Cathedral
Video by Chris Tomsett / InnerstringsArtwork by Jordan Smith