Sour Punch by Blushing

Darkenin Heart

The second example from the upcoming album by Texan shoegaze quartet Blushing, is Sour Punch another track of classic shoegaze features, and one more presentation of the band's love for nineties indie rock. On their new full length Possessions, Blushing are again joined by their fellow Austin musician Elliott Frazier of Ringo Deathstarr, and Ride’s Mark Gardener mastered the album at his OX4 Studios in the UK.

Sour Punch is themed on "inequality and striving for independence in a relationship," and it finds Blushing wielding the uplifting and the melancholic qualities of their sound more than ever, offering an even balance.

The song comes with a DIY video which resembles low budget alternative music videos the group grew up watching.


Kanine Records


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