Milk​.​Blue​.​Kisses (Foil in Motion) by Dead Leaf Echo

Darkenin Heart

From Brooklyn, New York, shoegaze band Dead Leaf Echo announce their new EP Milk​.​Blue​.​Kisses​.​And​.​Whalebone​.​Wishes which will be released on January 21nd, 2022. The new release is introduced with first single Milk.Blue.Kisses (Foil in Motion), a track which highlights band's melancholic shoegaze and dreampop, and the atmospheric qualities of their sound.

Bathed in reverb and paired to a poignant vocal delivery, Milk.Blue.Kisses (Foil in Motion) is a stirring piece of music which cuts through like a classic shoegazer, and doesn't leave the listener unaffected.

Dead Leaf Echo

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