Rob Burger Fills The Darkenin Heart Questionnaire
January 22, 2022
What do you consider to be the darkest piece of music you’ve ever heard?
Organ works by György Ligeti and Olivier Messiaen, some things I’ve heard by The Haxan Cloak.
How would you characterize your own music?
I’d characterize my music as conscious, intentional, spacious, textural, sometimes playful, sometimes melancholy, sometimes challenging, cinematic. Good company.
What are your musical aspirations?
To do quality work that continuously pushes my own musical growing edges; collaborating and contributing to a wide variety of projects, while continuing to have opportunities creating through my own voice.
What are your main musical inspirations?
Early music, folk music, new music, sounds from real (non-electronic) instruments, found sounds, rhythm, simplicity, space, individuality, anything in which someone has something honest to say.
What are your main goals in life?
To provide for my family, to have good relationships, to accept and listen carefully, to create and stay open and inspired as much as I can.
What motivates you to create?
Art, Books, Film, Poetry, Nature, Music, Food.
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
I tend to be more of a night owl, but I have young children so I get up early and create during the day hours.
Besides music, what other art forms would you like to explore?
Professionally? None. For fun, all of them.
Which is the very first record that had a big impact on you?
The Beatles White Album.
What is the best decade for music?
Ancient music, 30’s, 60’s. My partner Mary plays simple 1930’s piano pieces [somewhat poorly] and I just love it.
What do your future plans include?
Building a deck in our backyard so that music around the fire pit with friends can be something we do daily, collaborating with the Nashville musical community, building a new studio, gathering more with extended family and friends, start working on a new album of solo music.
Marching With Feathers releases February 11th, 2022 via Western Vinyl
Rob Burger