When You've No Eyes by AJ Lambert

Darkenin Heart

AJ Lambert's new album, Manhattan Beach, Swept By Ocean Breezes, is being released in its entirety after having been introduced by a series of singles. Together with new versions of songs by Duke Ellington, Mr. Twin Sister and Gene Simmons, comes her cover of a song by Alec Ounsworth of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah fame.

When You’ve No Eyes arrives with a video directed by Lambert. She comments: "I first heard this song in 2010, shortly after it came out. I had never heard Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, so Alec's voice and writing was a surprise to me. I was taking a train from the bottom to the top of Australia as part of a trip I was on before I had to have brain surgery. I thought I may as well live a little in case I wasn't around after that. This song played a lot over those 4 days.

"The video has taken several forms in my head, but the one constant was that I knew I wanted to incorporate a vast landscape that felt like it might be the end, the end of life, end of the world...something like what I was feeling at the time I first heard this song. At one point I thought it would feature me trying to find the pink blob of bubbles that you see at times, but in the end I decided it might be more fun to just watch it explore on its own, along with its little friends. The song seems quite prescient now, of course, in that it talks about how there's disease and hatred always, but that there's still the wine even if the toast spills."

On February 11, 2022, the same date as the album's release, AJ will perform solo material as well as Bloodslide tracks, with the band accompanying her at Los Angeles' Zebulon.

AJ Lambert
Video directed by AJ Lambert

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