E.S.P. by Panda Riot

Darkenin Heart

Panda Riot, from Chicago, return with the release of the first track from their new album Extra Cosmic, which highlights the band's explosive psychedelic shoegaze sound. E.S.P. is a song about attempting to bond with someone but never really achieving it.

This song was written when Panda Riot's Brian was wrapping up a Lovetone Ringstinger clone. Brian's efforts with developing more complicated guitar pedals throughout the pandemic resulted in the music's sonic progression. The track flowed out immediately thanks to the pedal's new angle.

On the visual front, the new song is paired to an artistic video made up of hand traced and animated scenes that are largely taken from a live performance clip. Every second in the video corresponds to eight drawings, and it comes together as a whole to provide an impressive and surreal atmosphere.

Panda Riot

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