Premiere: Come Undone by Phantom Handshakes
April 26, 2022
Phantom Handshakes is a Brooklyn, New York-based collaboration between Matt Sklar (Exiles) and Federica Tassano (Sooner, Mônetre). Following the publication of their album No More Summer Songs in 2021, the band release their new track Come Undone, remaining faithful to their jangly dreampop style, and dedicating their new offering to a good cause.
"Come Undone is an anti-war song," the band comment. "We never intended to write an anti-war song, but it's impossible to make music and not to be influenced by what's going on around the world (in this case the war in Ukraine)."
Written by the band, Come Undone sums up perfectly the duo's appealing and ultra-fine dreampop.
Phantom Handshakes singer Federica comments on the song's lyrics: "Initially when we started writing the song I wanted to use some lyrics I had already written, but somehow while working on it, I realized that I was putting in words the anguish I was experiencing watching people suffering in the media."
The single is paired with an exclusive acoustic version on the Bandcamp release. Proceeds from digital sales will go to Emergency, an organization that offers free, high-quality medical and surgical treatment to victims of war.
Phantom Handshakes will be playing a release show for the single on May 19th, 2022 at Berlin Under A in New York City.
Phantom Handshakes
Photo by Jen Meller