Amour Fou by Beverly Kills

Darkenin Heart

Beverly Kills, from Gothenburg, Sweden, are about to release their long-awaited debut album. Amour Fou is the band's new track which perfectly captures their mixture of dreampop and post punk.

Beverly Kills comment on the new track: "Amour Fou is a song that has been with us since 2019. It was written in the spring, between days of sunburns and bathing in the sea, during a period where we were trying to shy away from writing pop songs. Since then it has been there in the periphery, a love story waiting for the right context. As soon as we recorded the first parts of it in the studio, it felt absolutely perfect for the debut album. We were finally ready for it, and we hope the rest of the world is too."

The band conclude: "It's also guaranteed to be the best Sopranos themed indie song you'll find this summer."

The debut album by Beverly Kills is slated for release in late 2022 through Welfare Sounds & Records.

Beverly Kills

Welfare Sounds & Records

Cover artwork by Jakob Ekvall

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