7 of Cups by Wombo

Darkenin Heart

Louisville, Kentucky based trio Wombo share the fourth single 7 of Cups from their anticipated next album, Fairy Rust which will be out July 29th, 2022 via Fire Talk Records.

The band's ethereal side is more prominent in 7 of Cups, which also has a slower pace and a very interesting song structure, far from the commonalities of indie rock.

Wombo comment on 7 of Cups: "The song is about losing time, forgetting/ being forgotten by time, and feeling trapped by time. The hourglass I found at an antique mall and it gave me the idea to have myself trapped inside a room as a clay version of myself by it. Wanted to give off Feelings of Deja Vu, epiphanies that you simultaneously forget as you have them, dreams you can’t remember even though you know they were crazy- kind of vibes. Like being stuck in limbo or just feeling constantly confused."

Wombo emphasizes the importance of the unexpected in the continual process of self-discovery. Sydney Chadwick of the band says, “endings are always beyond my level of understanding or comprehending, or knowing at all. I wanted to end the album with that kind of message, that the mysteries in life are not to be solved but experienced and respected, to be kept at a distance.”

Video directed by Cameron Lowe

Fire Talk

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