Gardens is the third video from The Pleasure Majenta's new album Looming, the Spindle, out digitally via Dedstrange. Originally from New Zealand, the psychedelic noise/goth punk band, now based in Berlin, The Pleasure Majenta are inspired from the darker and heavier side of post punk, as well as industrial and other styles.
The dark and dreamy clip that comes with the song was filmed, directed and edited by Anna Winslow: "A collage of scenes from Porto, Los Angeles, and Berlin, these images fixate on the loneliness before new growth and on dreams and memories that come to us in isolation, an emotional winter before the abundance of springtime, like a garden still frosted over but with every flower furled and hiding beneath the earth."
The video follows a mysterious figure walking down a pier to be surrounded by ocean, with the observer not interacting but witnessing from a distance. As they progress, images of a haunting entity overpower them, filling their alienation with the expectation and anguish of chance.
The Pleasure Majenta
Cover art by Lawrence Fergus GoodwinVideo by Anna Winslow