Justice or Mercy by Syzygy

Darkenin Heart

Rebecca Maher (Spotting, Vampire) and Gus Kenny (Spotting, Polish) founded Syzygy in Melbourne in 2019, a band formed partially as a break from Spotting, the synthpunk band in which they both played, and partly as a platform to explore a more strictly electronic and pop-based sound.

The band describe their chemistry: “Over our 15 year friendship we have often felt like we are two sides of the same coin. In many ways we are so different, Bec can be loud, forthcoming, extraverted and emotional. While Gus can be introverted, reflective, and analytical. However we are also very similar, we feel equally connected in our sameness as we do in our opposition.”

Justice or Mercy is the first track from the duo's anticipated debut album ANCHOR & ADJUST, which will be released later this year. The song demonstrates the band's ability to blend a pure electronic approach with an unrestrained pop sensibility. It's a dark and thrilling synthpop track, with Gus' strong synth lines building to a wild peak, while Bec's ethereal voice contributes its own charm.

Cover artwork by Anita Shao
Video by Gus Kenny

it Records

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