So Long by Leatherette

Darkenin Heart

So Long, the new single from Italian post punk band Leatherette, is an indulgent and punchy piece of present post punk, replete with loudness and cutting melodies. It's part of their debut album Fiesta out on October 14th, 2022 via Bronson Recordings.

The band describe: "It is a song about struggling to the point you feel you hit rock bottom. Screaming about it might not be the answer to the problem, but we must confess it was quite fun and liberating. Loud, acid, alien guitars and a punchy, hypnotic rhythm section were surely helpful to the process."

The songs on Fiesta predate the Covid period, but the band spent the pandemic rewriting and reworking their first batch of songs at their leisure. As an outcome, the new album comes to express the new group's sound perfectly.

According to the band, the album title is "a reference to the bullfights in Pamplona." They explain: “Bullfight is a strange ritual. And we’re against bullfights, but they’re fascinating in an iconographic way. And also metaphorically, violence flows on both sides, but in a feastful way. It’s similar to a concert, really – you’re expressing violent things, in a physical way. And people react to that, which is wonderful, which is fantastic.”


Bronson Recordings

Artwork by Vittorio Donà & Federico Trevisan
Band photo by Maicol Guidetti

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