summer's end by dayaway

Darkenin Heart

NYC-based dreampop band dayaway have released their anticipated self titled debut EP, alongside its final single and video, summer's end, the EP's closing track. It is another fitting addition to the band's overall balmy mood and mellow sound.

On the new song and clip the band comment: “‘summer’s end’ is the final song on the EP, and it’s essentially a goodbye. It’s about finding peace with change and being grateful for fleeting moments, even while you’re sad to let them go. The video is meant to capture summer in New York. It’s like a retrospective of summer memories and all the things we love here.”

dayaway continue to comment on the EP as a whole: "This project started as a sort of accident. I was sitting on the beach on a late summer day in 2018 when I felt compelled to start writing these summertime love songs. They came to me so quickly and all at once. These are vignettes of love and loss from my imagination and my life. They’re meant to capture the feelings of summertime, from the hot blue euphoria to the hazy golden sadness. On one level, they're simple love songs, but there's also something a little deeper about growing up and saying goodbye."

dayaway fit well to the seasonal warmth with their lovely indie pop, suited for sunny summer days.


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