signalling by Virgins

Darkenin Heart

Following their impressive debut single Vows, new band Virgins from Belfast, Northern Ireland, unveil new track signalling which is one more example of their excellent and well constructed shoegaze sound.

With musician Michael Smyth at the helm, Virgins quickly enlisted vocalist Rebecca Dow to realize the project vision for a fuzzy and compelling kind of shoegaze. Originally conceived as a project with a revolving door strategy, the band eventually settled on a consistent lineup that included David Sloan on guitar, James Foy on drums, and Brendy McCann of Hand Models on bass.

Virgins will be soon releasing their first EP, Transmit A Little Heaven coming through Blowtorch Records on October 14th, 2022, and signalling is the first offering. Jonny Woods (Wynona Bleach/Fierce Panda) worked with Smyth to engineer and produce the EP.

Classic shoegaze and grunge rock themes collide with the band's willingness to create something new and exciting for the genre, and both of the group's releases so far are precisely that.


Blowtorch Records

Cover artwork by Michael Smyth
Band photo by Steven Reid

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