Hamburg-based musician and producer Deniz Çiçek aka Kraków Loves Adana, and ex-Chromatics members Ruth Radelet and Adam Miller collaborate on new track When The Storm Comes. The track is the first single off Kraków Loves Adana’s upcoming seventh album Oceanflower, out February 14th 2023, which Çiçek wrote between the winter of 2020 and 2021 in her home studio.
The music video for When The Storm Comes was directed by Wesley Doloris with the musicians filming contributing scenes in Los Angeles and Hamburg.
When Adam Miller and Çiçek were discussing song ideas for the new album, the demo for When The Storm Comes stood out. The song is both melancholic and anthemic, concerning overcoming obstacles and focusing on the future.
“I came up with the title and the chorus almost 10 years ago but never managed to build a proper song around it. When I showed the demo to Adam it immediately struck a chord with the both of us,” Çiçek unveils.
Ruth Radelet comments on the collaboration: “I became friends with Krakow Loves Adana after playing some shows with them in 2019. I am a big fan of their music and they are fantastic people as well, so I was excited when Deniz asked me to contribute guest vocals on When the Storm Comes. Filming the video was a fun project too - Adam and I had a great time running around LA together, and I love how Wesley Doloris’ shots of us work so well with Deniz’s footage from Germany.”
Adam Miller on working with Deniz Çiçek: “I first met Deniz and Rob from Krakow Loves Adana in 2019 when they opened up some shows for Chromatics in Europe on what ended up to be our last ever tour. I was immediately in awe of the gigantic melodies in their songs which tugged at my heart. So over the pandemic when Deniz asked me if I would be interested in collaborating with her on some music, those melodies left me no choice but to say yes.“
The title of Kraków Loves Adana's upcoming album is sourced from Çiçek's birth name, which translates to Ocean Flower from Turkish. The album offers uplifting tunes like the lead single When The Storm Comes as well as a wide range of more reflective and melancholy gloomy tracks, making it their most conciliatory record yet.
Çiçek comments on the entire record: “In a way I dedicate this record to my younger self. People always like to say that those are the best years of our lives but for me, I was often in pain and had a hard time dealing with life. I made this record detached from any expectations in a challenging phase - torn between wanting to quit music altogether and not knowing how to go on with my life.”
Kraków Loves Adana
Ruth Radelet
Adam Miller
Cover art by Adam Miller
Video by Wesley Doloris