Therapy by M(h)aol

Darkenin Heart

Following the attacking post punk of their previous single Asking for It, Irish band M(h)aol deliver their new song Therapy, and announce the coming of their debut full length Attachment Styles which will be available on February 3rd, 2023 through TULLE Collective and Rough Trade Publishing.

Therapy, despite being a lighthearted piece of music, addresses some extremely deep issues. According to vocalist Róisn Nic Ghearailt: "I wanted to write Therapy as a light-hearted addition to the album, dealing with a very real subject matter. It came from a conversation I had with a friend who was talking about a loved one not turning up to therapy, even though they were why she was in therapy, and I was thinking about people in our lives who are the reason we go to therapy and how we can often heal in spite of them."

In order to achieve the live feel, M(h)aol bassist Jamie produced, mixed, and mastered the album in a narrow space with no headphones, few overhead mics, and only a PA for the vocals.


TULLE Collective


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