Following the release of their critically acclaimed debut album Body Semantics in 2017, Jon Hood provide an evocative indication of their audio and visual presence with the release of their new single Ocean. Like the band, Ocean's composition has gone through various states and forms, with the most recent iteration feeling like a very vibrant and meticulously put together entity.
The song develops compellingly thanks to the composition's repeating instrumental loops, and an overall beautiful atmosphere that changes from a mellow melancholy to a slightly optimistic elation, a dynamic which Jon Hood's music holds in general. The warmly spoken lyrics of vocalist Joan Seiler are rather characteristic and become even more emphasized by the backing echoes provided by Costa Rican musician Sonya Carmona.
The song's opening line, which is very powerful lyrically, serves as a subtle reminder that, despite the world occasionally feeling controlled and cold, still exists space for fantasy and multisensory experiences.
That very same concept is also reflected in Eliane Bertschi's music video, in which performer Lara Dâmaso alternates between a green-screen studio and various animated fantastical settings made by Joerg Hurschler. A virtual reality can transform into an inner safe space with the use of imagination.
Jon Hood
Red Brick Chapel
Cover artwork by Eliane BertschiVideo directed by Eliane Bertschi